Friday, August 1, 2008


One of the steps in developing the NCLEX examinations is the preparation of test plans to guide the selection of content and behaviors to be tested. In these plans, provisions are made for examinations reflecting entry-level nursing practice as identified in an empirical analysis of activities of newly licensed nurses. The activities identified in these studies are analyzed in relation to the frequency of their performance, their impact on maintaining client safety, and the settings where they were performed. These analyses guide the development of a framework for entry-level nurse performance that incorporates specific client needs, concepts and processes fundamental to the practice of nursing.The NCLEX examination test plans derived from this framework provide a concise summary of the content and scope of the examination. The test plans also serve as a guide for both examination development and candidate preparation. Based on the test plans, each unique NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN examination reflects the knowledge, skills and abilities essential for the prospective registered and licensed practical/vocational nurse to meet the needs of clients requiring the promotion, maintenance and restoration of health. The NCLEX examination test plans describe beliefs about people and nursing that are integral to the examinations, the cognitive abilities that will be tested in the examination and the specific components of the NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN examinations.Use the links below to print a copy of the RN and PN Test Plans. 下面这个网址是护士总局的官方网址,网页上你可以打开pdf文件,逐个研究这些纲领性的文件,给educator看的考纲test plan就是是指导题写题者如何按要求写题的!!!大家也可以研究一下,了解出题的人的思路是怎样的。

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