Friday, August 1, 2008


年轻的护士如果你不想找中介,想自己到纽约短期学习一下 顺便考RN顺便把护照跑跑活 你可以这样申请基本步骤如下例如,假设你已经拿到纽约州的准考证,想去纽约考RN,你可以考虑自己申请纽约的大学的语言课程例如,纽约哥伦比亚大学的语言课程:这是网址,请写email给他们,告诉他们你是国际学生,想要申请他们的I20他们就会给你回信你会收到报名表和一些住宿学费的信息按照要求准备学校要求的文件例如银行存款证明等等(有些需要公证)把文件寄到学校他们会给你发一份I20表有了这份表格就可以安排下一步按各地不同的要求到公安局办理护照去美国驻华领事馆下载电子表格(要刷)买电话卡预约签证时间带好材料去签证所谓签证就是有个美国签证馆问你为什么要去美国你申请哥伦比亚的语言班的优势那时就出来了首先你说你是去学习英语因为这个学校学费很贵美国人也会觉得你很有钱他会问你为什么选这个学校你说 地球人都知道这个名校!接着问你学费怎么办有存款的 一定要财大气粗的样子说我们家就是有钱或是我父母support我 或是我同学都申请免学费的学校但是我还是想到世界上最好的学校去如果问为什么不在中国学说中国很少能找到哥大水平的英语培训美国本土的老师谈话期间可以强调你是护士 但是出国后培训后会回国去外宾病房之类的千万不要提去考试之类的千万不要让他觉得你有移民倾向如果说为什么去纽约是不是有亲戚一定说没有 就是觉得这个项目很适合我 因为时间很合适问到任何他怀疑的问题都要巧妙躲避一定都说 没多想就是觉得这个项目很适合自己!!有些人可能觉得花那个钱没有必要那要看每个人的情况比如说你也可以自己多跑几家医院参加几次open house医院招聘介绍会了解当地情况 也就当旅游你可以在哥大认识很多年轻人说不定就能找到另一半^0^反正即使F1被拒签一点影响也没有而且哥大成功的概率比其他的学校大很多另外美国是个喜欢人才的国家我觉得如果你画画不错的可以带自己的作品摄影的也行 可以强调自己爱旅游签证官也是人对自己国家有好处的人才 他们是会放行的你要是签证官你也会那么想的收到哥大的邮件介绍会如下I-20 Requirements Please apply at least three months before your expected study date. You must enroll in a full-time course (18 hours or more per week) in order to qualify for the F-1 (student) visa. To receive an I-20A-B form (application for a F-1 visa), please send to the American Language Program, Columbia University, 2970 Broadway, Lewisohn Hall Room 504, Mail Code 4113, New York, NY 10027, the following items:(1) A photocopy of your passport name and date-of-birth page.(2) Completed American Language Program application form.Make sure that you complete the entire application. Your name, date of birth, country of birth and country of citizenship should appear exactly as it is shown on your passport. Please make sure to let us know for which semester you plan to begin your studies and for how many months you would like the I-20 (maximum 12 months).(3) $100.00 application fee. (Please make sure check is drawable on a U.S. bank and made payable to the American Language Program.) We do NOT accept credit cards, wire transfers, bank drafts or international postal money orders. Traveler’s checks are fine.(4) A formal bank statement. This bank statement should show the exact amounts in either your own or your sponsor's savings and checking accounts in U.S. dollars. Please remember that it costs approximately U.S.$4000 per month to study and live in the USA: American Language Program tuition and fees are about U.S.$2100 per month and living expenses are U.S.$1900 per month. Keep the original bank statement. You will take it to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate. Send us a photocopy of the bank statement.(5) A formal letter from your sponsor. If you are sending your own bank statement, you do not need to send this letter. If someone (mother, father, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, friend, etc.) is supporting you in your studies in the United States, you do need to send us this letter. The letter, written by your sponsor, should say that he or she promises to fully support you financially in your studies at the American Language Program. You should keep the original sponsor's letter. You will take it to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate. Send us a photocopy of your sponsor's letter. Please note that the bank statement and sponsor's letter must be dated within the last two months. Please keep the originals of the bank statement and sponsor's letter. We cannot send the originals back to you. You must bring the original bank statement and sponsor's letter to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate along with your Letter of Acceptance, I-20A-B form and passport when you go to apply for your student visa. When we receive your: (1)photocopy of your passport name and date-of-birth page; (2) completed application form; (3) $100.00 application fee; (4) bank statement, and (5) sponsor's letter (if applicable), we will issue the I-20A-B form and Letter of Acceptance. Thank you and please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding the above procedures. American Language Program, Columbia UniversityMaintaining Visa StatusMAINTAINING VISA STATUS IS YOUR JOB You must take full personal responsibility for learning about and following the law. The ALP must tell the government if you withdraw from the program, stop coming to class, register for part-time instead of full-time study, or simply do not register at all. Being “out of status” is serious— you may be deported and it may be difficult to return to the United States in the future.Read the visa-related notices on the ALP bulletin boards.Talk with the ALP’s International Student Advisor whenever you have questions. The ALP office is open Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to answer your questions. WHEN YOU ARRIVE IN THE U.S.Read the instructions on your I-20. Carefully read and follow the "Instructions to Students" section that you will find on the second page of your I-20. Use your ALP I-20 to enter the country. In order to study at the ALP, you must use your ALP-issued I-20 and not an I-20 issued by any other school.Show your I-20 and have it stamped by a DHS official when you arrive in the United States.WHEN YOU ARRIVE AT THE ALPReport to the ALP as soon as you arrive. After you arrive in this country, you have 30 days to register for classes, complete the Yellow Sevis Form and have your record entered into SEVIS. If more than 30 days have passed, the government will consider you out of status.Register in SEVIS at the ALP office. We must do this within the first 30 days you are here. Complete the Yellow Sevis Form when you register for classes at the ALPWHILE YOU ARE STUDYING AT THE ALPUpdate your SEVIS information at the beginning of each term. You must give us your new address every time you move.If you don’t give us the information to keep your SEVIS record up to date, you may be deported or may have problems getting another visa in the future. Keep all of your I-20s the whole time you are in the U.S.Study full-time with us. If you asked for an I-20 of three months or longer, we expect you to stay at the ALP for a minimum of three months before you transfer to another school.Keep your passport valid. Always make sure that your passport is valid for at least six months into the future. If your passport will expire in six months or less, contact your country's consulate in New York or its embassy in Washington, DC for helpDo not accept any off-campus jobs. The U.S. government considers working without proper authorization to be an extremely serious violation that may result in deportation. F-1 students are eligible to work on campus (but not off campus) for up to 20 hours per week (35 hours per week during vacation periods). However, it is extremely difficult for international students to find on-campus work at Columbia University.Extend your I-20 before it expires. If you want to continue at the ALP beyond the end date on your I-20, you must come into our office to ask for an extension several weeks before your current I-20 expires. All extensions require you to provide new financial documentation (a new bank statement—and a letter of sponsorship if necessary). IF YOU WANT TO LEAVE AND COME BACKAvoid trouble if you need to travel outside the U.S. during the time that you are a student here: 1) have your I-20 re-certified before you leave the country 2) carry your I-20 with you when you travel 3) carry your financial documents with you when you travel Except for short trips to Canada, Mexico, every time that you leave the U.S while you are a student here, your old I-94 form will be collected when you leave, and a new I-94 will be issued to you when you return.Avoid problems during vacation time. After you have studied full-time for a minimum of 6 months in a row, you have the option of taking a vacation (during which you may remain in the United States without studying) IF AND ONLY IF you will be returning to the ALP after your vacation and you must notify the ALP International Student Advisor that you will be on vacation so that your SEVIS records can be updated. Whenever you travel outside New York, you should be sure to have your passport and your original I-94 with you—as well as a re-certified I-20 if you plan to leave and re-enter the country.WHEN YOU FINISH YOUR STUDIES AT THE ALPLeave the U.S. within 60 days after your studies are completed. When you finish studying at the ALP, you have 60 days to leave the United States, to transfer to another school, or to change to another immigration status. If you stay in the U.S. longer than 60 days after you have finished studying, you will be considered out of status and may have problems returning to this country in the future.Leave the U.S. within 15 days if you withdraw from the program before the end of the course. You can withdraw during a course only if you are planning to return to your home country immediately. You must personally see a Coordinator to fill out the necessary papers. You must then leave the United States within 15 days. Once you have returned home, you must send the ALP proof (an original airline boarding pass) that you have left the country; only then will the withdrawal be processed and reported to SEVIS. If the University owes you money, you must apply directly to the Office of Student Financial Services in 210 Kent Hall after the withdrawal is processed. In all cases, the university charges a $75 fee for withdrawals.IMPORTANT TERMS YOU SHOULD KNOWSEVISThe Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) is an internet-based government system that keeps track of international students, scholars, and their dependents. SEVIS communicates with schools and universities, U.S. Embassies and Consulates, airports and other ports of entry into the U.S., the Immigration Service (USCIS), and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). I-20The I-20 (also called the certificate of visa eligibility or visa certificate) is created by schools and universities through SEVIS. Your I-20 and electronic updates in SEVIS are a permanent record of your activities as a student in the U.S. F-1 Visa The U.S. Embassy or Consulate abroad gives you your visa and stamps it into your passport. Visas are never issued or extended by schools or universities. After you are in the U.S., it does not matter if your visa expires; permission for you to be in the U.S. will remain current for the whole time written on your I-20, if you are attending classes on a full-time basis, and if you are registered in SEVIS each term. If your visa has not expired and then you leave the country, you may use it to return. If your visa expires while you are here and then you leave the country, you will need a new visa in order to return. You will need to apply again at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate for a new visa. I-94 Your I-94 is a small white paper that you get on the airplane (or at the border) when you travel to the United States. Your I-94 is your most important immigration document because, together with your valid I-20, it proves that you are in this country legally. It is stamped by a DHS official when you enter the country. The notation “D/S,” which you will see on your I-94, means “duration of status” and refers to the period during which you may remain in the U.S. on your current I-20. The I-94 is also a record of your arrivals and departures.SOME HELPFUL RESOURCESYou may visit the following websites if you wish to learn more about U.S. immigration regulations. These links may change at any time. Please contact the ALP if you have trouble finding these sites. • U.S. embassies/consulates abroad:• Fees for visa services:• Visa denials:• US-VISIT:• Department of Homeland Security:• The United States Citizen and Immigration Services:• Immigration and Customs Enforcement: Prospective Student: Thank you for inquiring about the American Language Program. We are happy to send you the information you requested. Students must be at least 17 years of age in order to be admitted into the American Language Program. Applications are required of all full-time students. Please submit the enclosed application form and application fee (in the form of a check drawn on a U.S. bank, a traveler’s check, or a bank check in the amount of US$100) at least three months before the beginning of the semester. If you are currently living outside the U.S., you will need a student visa. You cannot study with a tourist (B1/B2) visa or on the visa waiver program. If you have another kind of visa, please contact us to find out if you will be able to study. To be eligible for a student visa you must enroll in a full-time (18 hours per week) course in English and provide us with financial documents (bank statement and sponsor letter) showing that you have sufficient funds to cover all tuition and living expenses for the duration of your stay in the United States. Please read the information on the reverse of this page entitled “I-20 Requirements” for further details. Please do not send transcripts or other documents relating to previous academic work. If you want to stay in University housing, you must apply at least two to three months before you plan to study. From September through April, the number of University rooms is quite limited; from May to August, the number of air-conditioned University rooms is limited. If you have not applied for a University room, plan to arrive at least two weeks early in order to find other housing in the city. We will send you more information on housing possibilities if you check the appropriate box on our application form. If you have any questions after reading the enclosed material, please feel free to contact us by e-mail at or by writing to us. You can also find more information at our website . We are looking forward to your being with us, and we hope that your stay in the United States is an enjoyable one. Sincerely, David Quinn Chairman Mary Hatch Departmental Administrator

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