Sunday, August 10, 2008



有事请留言 ^o^

Sunday, August 3, 2008



我不知道我的经历是不是有代表性, 只是跟大家讲一下我的经历.

我是拿B1签证到美国的,因为我之前在国内有考过TOFEL,所以我到了美国以后直接申请了社区大学. 本来是想学会计的, 因为我在国内也是学过经济的.

可是随着我在美国的时间长了,我发觉在美国得到绿卡是最重要的. 我当时还算幸运,由B1(商业考察)转到了F1学生身份, 可是学费很贵.


之后我一切都很顺利,前后大约花了三年半时间我由大学的护理专业毕业,拿的大概相当于国内的大专学历. 可是在美国当RN你是什么学历也不是那么重要,至少目前是这样的.


我毕业之前就已经自己做了很多网上的RESEARCH,大概的移民程序我也就知道了. 后来也就找了一家中国人比较多的医院,虽说工资不是特别好,可是也将就了, 医院对我办移民的事情也算挺支持的,一直都是一个合作的态度. 现在我还在等绿卡, 可能还得一年的时间, 不过因为也不妨碍我赚钱,也只有等了.

我想因为我在国内从来也没做过护士,也从来没想过会来美国当护士. 所以也不知道我的经历能否给国内的护士任何的帮助, 只是说出来大家听一下, 好像听别人的故事.

但是我觉得,移民的事情还是要自己多参与, 才能有主动权. 不要太被动,因为不论律师还是中介都是一样的. 答应的都很好,可是万一出了事,不顺利,他们是不是能愿意帮助解决,或是是否有能力来解决, 都是很难讲的. 所以不要把自己的命运交在别人的手上.

如果你要在美国做RN 的工作, 你一定要通过你所在州的执照考试. NCLEX-RN. 即使你通过了CG的考试,当你踏到了美国的本土,也一定要考所在州的执照考试.

TOFEL 和TSE 是为了移民. 当你通过了NCLEX-RN, 并且找到了雇主,那医院就会帮你来申请移民.医院只是给你PETITION, 你要自己找律师来交所有的移民文件和费用. 美国的移民局有规定,所有外国出生的护士,即使你是在英语国家受的教育, 也需要有VISASCREEN才能得到绿卡.

而要得到VISASCREEN你需要把你的学历证明,执照证明,还有英语能力证明提供给CGFNS, 那英语据我知道包括TOEFL 540分和TSE50分. TOFEL 并不是很难,可是TSE 就没那么容易. 如果你的护士教育是在英语国家受的,那就不需要英语能力证明.

以前,VISASCREEN只有在最后的移民程序,也就是绿卡面谈的时候,出具给移民官就可以了. 但是从2003年九月份开始,移民局规定在提交移民申请的时候就要有VISASCREEN.但是因为是新的规定执行的程度就不得而知了.

如果你能够以其他的签证来到美国,并且符合NCLEX-RN 的考试条件,并且通过考试.你完全不需要再回国, 一定有医院会请你并帮你申请. 至少在洛杉矶是这样的. 我从来没听说过考到美国RN执照还不能找到工作,还要回国的!

如果你在美国得到了你的RN 执照,当你找工作的时候,你要直接问你的雇主会不会为你申请.大多数的公立医院是不帮你申请的.
有一些私立医院会,但是要问清楚. 医院不会帮你付费用,你要自己付, 找律师大概在三到四千美金,给移民局的费用大概有七八百块吧.

VISASCREEN非常重要,很多人都没有注意到. 我猜你可以在CGFNS.ORG找到相关的解释. 没有VISASCREEN也就不会有绿卡.

以我的经验,虽说是比较肤浅的经验,我觉得在国内受教育的护士到美国工作的最大的不足就是语言问题.因为RN的工作范围真的是太大了,需要同所有的人联络,英文是必须的.当别人听不懂你的讲话的时候,他会怀疑你的能力. 当你听不懂别人的话的时候,由其是医生的医遗的时候可能会出大错.

还有一点就是我觉得国内的护士因为对美国社会的了解程度有限, 对一些同法律相关的事情是缺乏警惕.因为美国人太喜欢打官司了,RN被牵扯到官司中的比率是很大的,由其是在洋人比较多的社区. 所以当我一上护理学校的时候,老师就同我们讲CYA--COVER YOUR ACTIONS OR COVER YOUR ASS. 在写病历的时候要很小心,知道什么该写什么不该写,因为天知道什么时候你的病历会被用在法庭上. 还有对病人要比较NICE,要不他告你那么一下,无论是你的老板还是你去法院也就不那么值得了。

只要是在美国读的护理专业,毕业并且通过所在州的护照考试,找到雇主,那一定可以直接申请绿卡的 ,不需要其他任何的过程,也不需要申请H1. 因为H1每一年有名额限制,并且申请人要有本科以上的学历,社区学院的大专学历并不符合学历要求.
程序大概是这样:只要你有美国RN执照, 找到雇主, 就由雇主帮你来申请I140。

根据2002年7月的最新规定, 在申请I140的同时,可以申请I485--绿卡, 工卡还有AP--可以用来返回美国. 现在大概要六个月到八个月的时间, I140才会批准, 但是在提出I140和工卡申请3个月以后,申请人可以拿RN执照到当地的移民局办公定要求临时工卡--大概可以用十个月.
当I140批准以后, AP也就批下来了.之后就等绿卡的排期了.

如果有办法来美国那就先来, 考到执照,先工作先赚钱再说. 虽说现在RN移民挺容易的,可是谁知道什么时候会有变化. 美国的移民政策越来越紧.

在美国大专学历的RN 和本科学历的RN在收入和工作范围上并没有区别. 因为美国并不完全是以学历来衡量. 本科和大专毕业的护士当你最开始参加工作的时候,薪水是一样的. 一般来讲只看你的工作经验. 当然如果你的学历高对以后的发展是有好处的,以后有希望可以不用在BEDSIDE工作,因为毕竟BEDSIDE的工作很辛苦. 可是,作为我们外国人,在别人的国家如果要爬到那么高的地位可能性也并不大.我们的英文能力还有经历都是有限的. 如果在美国的社区学院护士专业毕业,那么只需要一年到一年半的时间就可以在大学拿到本科学历. 因为大多数人都是一边工作一边读书. 总而言之在美国做RN 本科还是专科并不是那么重要的, 收入也没有区别, 只是在于以后的发展.

护士目前的移民程序是蛮特别的, 你所需要的只是RN执照, 英文能力证明,雇主,还有绿卡面谈时候的VISASCREEN.

但是在美国境外的护士如何申请还有关于工作经验的限制我是不太清楚. 但是我有一次同我的老板聊天的时候,她说她不太喜欢请人在国外的护士,因为她没有办法来判断申请者英文能力. 所以我建议如果国内护士想要自己联系国外的雇主的话, 最好多表现一下英文能力.

还有我在洛杉矶念书的学校就是东洛杉矶学院,EAST LOS ANGELES COLLEGE, 不知国内的招生广告的英文学校名称是怎样写的. 我们的公办的社区大学,学区里大概有九所大学, 其中有三、四所有护理课程.

但是问题是你能否拿到来美国的学生签证. 因为签证官看到你要念RN的话,或许会怀疑你有移民倾向, 每个人都知道现在RN移民容易, 所以还是慎重考虑.

另外如果你以前有相关的教育背景我不知道你在国内拿的学分可不可以转来美国. 另外如果你没有相关的背景那你要拿所有的预备课,大概也要二年的时间--根据你的英文能力, 才能申请进入护理系. 因为预备课程中的英文要达到社区大学的最高级ENGLISH 101--也就是你要能写七到八页的英文作文.


Friday, August 1, 2008



转贴 转贴


Questions employers often ask:


1. Why did you choose nursing?
2. Why do you want to work for us?
3. What courses did you like best/least? Why?
4. What qualities do you have that will benefit this organization?5. Where do you see yourself five years from now?
6. How long do you expect to work for us?
7. What area would you prefer to work?8. How do you feel about shift work?
9. What have you done that shows initiative?
10. How do you feel about taking orders from another person?
11. What type of person do you find difficult to get along with?
12. What is your personal philosophy of nursing?
13. What do you see as your strengths and weaknesses?
Questions students may want to ask:

1. Is management centralized or decentralized?
2. What is the role of the director of nursing?
3. What is the size of the unit?
4. What’s the ratio of patients to nurses from shift to shift?
5. What’s the ratio of RNs to LPNs and nursing assistants?
6. What are the roles of the LPNs and nursing assistants?
7. How much clerical and housekeeping help is available?
8. What support services (IV team, code team, EKG techs, and so forth)
are available?
9. What does orientation include and how long does it last?
10. Will I receive full salary during orientation?
11. Where are new graduates usually assigned?
12. How would you describe your nursing philosophy?
13. How much individual responsibility and autonomy do nurses have on
nursing procedures?
14. What type of care delivery system do you use--team, primary, modular,
or case management? On all shifts?
15. Do nurses have 8, 10, 12, or 24 hour accountability?
16. Is there financial compensation available for the NCLEX application,
or NCLEX review course?
17. What is the procedure for transferring from one unit or shift to
18. How will my performance be evaluated? By whom? How often?
19. Is there a career ladder? What is the pay difference at each step?
20. Do you often promote from within?
21. Do you pay extra for specialty certification and education?
22. Is certification recommended or required for advancement?
23. What inservice programs are available?
24. Is there a nursing library?
25. How can I earn CEUs here?
26. How much time off is allowed for workshops, seminars, and meetings?
27. Do you offer tuition reimbursement for job-related study?
28. What is the schedule of a normal work week?
29. How often is rotation required?
30. How often are nurses expected to float?
31. How often is overtime necessary?
32. How many week-ends a month do most nurses work?
33. Is there a contract of employment? May I read it?
34. What measures are taken when a unit is short-staffed?
35. Is staff parking available? A cafeteria? Child-care facilities?Staff
health services?
36. Do you give cost-of-living increases?
37. Can vacation days be accumulated from year to year?
38. Can unused sick leave be added to vacation time?
39. How much of a discount do I receive on medications and inpatient care?
40. Is malpractice coverage provided?
41. Is the hospital accessible by public transportation?


Behavioral interviewing is based on the notion that the best predictor of
future performance is past performance in similar situations. The
interviewer will identify the skills necessary for the particular job
opening and then ask you to give examples of when you used those skills in
previous work situations. Open ended questions are often asked to give you
the opportunity to describe your experience.
Tips for Answering Behavioral Questions:

* Employers expect your responses to be specific and detailed. Answer
using specific anecdotes and examples.
* The interviewer is interested in what your thoughts were at the time
and what your decision-making process was.
* If you are not sure what the employer is asking, restate the question
or ask for clarification. (Can you be more specific? I am not sure what you
are asking for.) In such a circumstance, you may ask if that is what the
interviewer was looking for and if your response answered the question
* Prepare ahead of time by reviewing your own resume. Often interviewers
will pull some detail from your resume and ask you to describe a particular
situation. If you put experience or events in your resume or cover letter,
be prepared to discuss them in detail.
* Develop short (1-3 minute) stories that highlight the skills you
possess. Draw upon examples from work or volunteer experiences, academic
projects/situations, etc., in order to describe your skills.
* You may find one story fits a variety of different questions. Don’t
overuse an example, but it is all right to reuse one if a different skill
can be highlighted.
* If your answers include any negatives, make sure to explain what you
learned from the experience and how you have been able to change that
behavior or response.
* If asked a question about which you have no experience to recount,
tell the interviewer just that. Don’t make up an example to fit a situation
. You are not expected to have experienced every possible scenario. You
might consider what you HOPE you would do in such a situation.

Below are some examples of situations on which Behavioral Questions might be

Tell me about the time when you…

Provide an example of when you…

Describe a time when you…

* Were disappointed in your performance
* Made a major sacrifice to achieve an important goal
* Worked effectively under a great deal of pressure or stress
* Were really bothered by the actions of another coworker
* Were especially creative in solving a problem
* Organized or planned an event that was very successful
* Had to deal with a personality conflict with a boss or coworker
* Felt really good about a decision you made and the process you went
* Used facts and reason to persuade someone to accept your
* Utilized your leadership ability to gain support for what initially
had strong opposition
* Were able to build team spirit in a time of low morale
* Were able to gain commitment from others to really work well as a team
* Were particularly perceptive regarding a person’s or group’s
feelings and needs
* Built rapport quickly with someone under difficult conditions
* Were particularly effective on prioritizing tasks and completing a
project on schedule
* Were highly motivated and your example inspired others
* Found it necessary to tactfully but forcefully say things that others
did not want to hear
* Were particularly effective in a talk you gave or presentation you
* Had to make a decision you knew would be unpopular
* Made a mistake and learned from it; failed at something and had to
deal with it
* Made an intentional effort to get to know someone from another culture
* Set an important goal and were successful in reaching it
* Were able to successfully communicate with another person, even when
that individual may not have personally liked you
* Conformed to a policy with which you did not agree
* Had to deal with an irate customer
* Made a poor decision
* Surmounted a major obstacle
* Had to adapt to a new or different situation

One useful strategy for responding to behavioral questions is to use the “
STAR” technique:

* Situation or Task: Describe the situation that you were in or the task
you needed to accomplish. You must describe a specific event or situation,
not a generalized description of what you had done in the past. Be sure to
give enough detail for the interviewer to understand. This situation might
be from a previous job, from a volunteer experience, or any relevant event.
* Action you took: Describe the action you took and be sure to keep the
focus on you. Even if you are dis-cussing a group project or effort,
describe what you did/the impact you had, not the efforts of the team.
Emphasize what you did, as opposed to what you might have done, although the
interviewer might want to pursue that thread too.
* Results: What happened? How did the event or activity conclude? What
did you accomplish? What did you learn?



CG 真题回忆--药物

CG 真题回忆--转帖

1。cocaine 中毒时的症状: tachycadia, chest pain

2.fosamax 用药后要upright 30 分钟

3。lithium 用药要监测hydration and sodium

4, clozarpine 用药后的副作用,wbc 减少

5。thyophylin 的副作用,不记得了

6。sucralfate 用于治疗十二指肠溃疡的原因,

7。propranolol 的副作用

8。captopril 的副作用

9。verapamil 的作用机理:钙离子阻断剂

10 ,有关于补钾和速尿的一条

11 脑部受伤后,用mannito的目的

12 甲状腺切除后,使用甲状腺素的副 作用

13 判断小儿digoxin中毒的症状

14 warfarin 用药后,病人出现月经周期延长,应先做什么?

15 一个有溃疡的风湿性关节炎病人,不能用哪种药? 有三个是NSAIDs 还有一个别的

16 使用头孢类药物前要问有无青霉素过敏,这个知识点考了2题

17 ciprofloxacin 的副作用

18 有慢性肝脏移植病人要用什么药物

19 小孩服用过量药物后,目前没有症状,父母打电话咨旬要怎么办?

20 一个AIDS的病人,在使用抗病毒要是应监测什么?

21 使用cyclophosphamide 应该注意什么?

22 自己注射heparin 时要注意什么?

22 口服铁剂的注意事项

23 一个有青春痘的病人使用accutane 2周后没有效果,护士应怎样多病人进行指导

24 使用多种高血压药物时不能和哪种药一起使用?A mino infection B 感冒药 C 止痒的药 D 不记得了

药物应该有30 题以上吧,还有想不起来了

1。补钾的食物 ,选项都是些不常见的,所以不记得了, 关于水电解质的题比较少

2。有个给出几个数值,PH 7.32 ,PCO2 50 , PaO2 88, CO3 26 ,判断为呼酸,指导病人采取什么呼吸

3。测HbA1c 前要告知病人准备什么? 选项由A 禁食8小时, B 禁烟 C 。。。。。

4。一个diverticulosis 的病人饮食指导




8。一个AIDS 在家时,应注意什么,这体本来没什么。但是没考常规的传播途径

9。小孩有SCRABY ,父母应注意什么?

10 一个肠道感染的病人,在没有单间病房时,护士应该把他和谁放在一起

11 一个小号心肺复苏失败后,护士下一步要做什么?

12 胸腔闭式引流时,没有水柱拨动了,护士应改怎么做?

13 gonorrhea的特征

14 PIH 的特征

15 一个cervical cerclage 病人临产前2周要做什么?

16 胎膜早破的病人,要检测什么?

17 结核病人在用药期间,应被告知什么?考得是什么时候没有传染性?

18 降结肠造瘘口的位置

19 APGAR P评分

20 小孩11个月的生命体征

21 一个8年ventriculoperitoneal shun 失败的表现

22 防止小孩abduction,对母亲的指导

23 epiglotitis 的体位

24 RSV 的隔离措施

25 CHF 的用药选择,有三个队的,一个错的,

26 CABG 有2题

27 celiac diaease 的饮食

28 PKU 考了2题,都是饮食方面的

29 acute glomerulonephritis 的护理指导